- Location(住所): 7829 Makati Avenue, Makati City
- Price(価格): P4,100,000
- Type(間取り): Studio
- Area(面積): 22㎡
- Bedroom(寝室): 1
- Toilet(トイレ): 1
- Shower(シャワー): 1
- Parking(駐車場): 1
- Developer(デベロッパー): Antel Group of Companies
- Facilities(設備): bed, microwave, stove, tv, sofa
- Release Date(公開日):
This Studio unit IS Located at the 23rd Floor of Antel Spa Hotel Suites. The unit IS Brand new and nicely furnished. Parking slot IS About 4,000-6,000 / slot. The unit IS Also for sale at Php4,100,000. Antel Spa Hotel Suites IS a hotel located in 7829 Makati Avenue, Makati City.
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