- Location(住所): Rockwell Center, Makati City
- Price(賃料): P140,000
- Type(間取り): 3BR
- Area(面積): 145㎡
- Developer(デベロッパー): Rockwell
- Facilities(設備):
- Release Date(公開日):
This 3 Bedroom Condo in One Rockwell, Makati Could BE your quiet sanctuary in the City, a place to escape and enjoy a quiet and Secure environment. One Rockwell West Tower IS a Condominium in Rockwell Center, Makati, Philippines. The West Tower IS Notable .. for being the tallest in the complex The tower’s design was inspired by the shape of the “Banaue Rice Terraces It has a double-height floor-to-ceiling glass panel on one end to make the views more expansive.
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