- Location(住所): One Rockwell, Rockwell Drive, Makati City
- Price(賃料): P140,000
- Type(間取り): 3BR
- Area(面積): 127㎡
- Bedroom(寝室): 3
- Toilet(トイレ): 3
- Developer(デベロッパー): Rockwell Land
- Facilities(設備):
- Release Date(公開日):
Contact us!
If you would be interested in this unit, please do not hesitate to immediately call us,この物件にご興味をお持ちでしたら以下の連絡先へお電話ください。
Phone No. : +63-905-446-1672
日本国内の連絡先: 050-588-57161
or contact with us by filling in the form below. Thank you.
[contact-form-7 id="77" title="物件お問い合わせフォーム"]